
Our Community work

Our CSR strategy help us to fulfil our purpose to be ‘making a difference’, and do so through our charities every year. As an organisation we are highly committed to do all we can to be making a difference to our customers, our employees and the world.
In 2018 we formed a charity committee who organises everything from pub quizz’s to marathons, to raise money and awareness about our chosen charities; big and small – everything counts.

We Are B Corp Certified

As a business, we believe in making a positive impact on the world. That’s why we’ve embarked on the journey to become B Corp certified. This certification represents our commitment to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. By aligning our practices with B Corp principles, we aim to contribute positively to society and the environment.

We’re excited to continue this journey and to join a global community of businesses dedicated to using business as a force for good

We Are A Carbon Neutral Business

In the UK, businesses account for over 85% of total GHG emissions – making corporate action the number one priority in helping stop climate change.

As a business we wanted to do our part for the environment, and have therefore partnered up with Carbon Neutral Britain, with the ambition to measure and offset our total organisations emissions – to become a Carbon Neutral Business. In 2021 we reached that goal and are proud to be a certified Carbon Neutral business. 

Our CSR Strategy


We take our responsibility to our employees, our community and the world seriously. Every day we work towards our goals to improve ourselves as an organisation that cares. 

Therefore we have implemented several goals within CSR as we at Redsquid are working towards. 

On this page you can read about what we do regarding: Equality, Environmental and Charity work. 



We want to make a difference. Make a difference to our customers, to our employees and to the world.
Every year we have been doing loads of events to raise money for chosen charities, and over the last three years – this has resulted in an amount over £33.000.  
We are incredibly proud of the Redsquid team to making this possible and continue to expand our charity efforts.

See some of our charity work here 

Announce record fund-raising of almost £8,000 to Stargardt's Connected!

Throughout 2021 the team has completed several challenges to raise funds and awareness for our charity of the year, Stargardt’s Connected. Together we have raised £3,672 – which will be matched by Redsquid taking our full donation to £7,344! The full donation will be given to the charity and support them in their upcoming research project. 


Donates laptops and books to children and young adults throughout the pandemic

2020 was a difficult year for all os us, so rather than donating funds to a charity we focused on helping as many children and young adults as we could. So, in March we donated over 200 books to end literacy among children, in April we donated laptops to young adults who needed equipment to study from home, and finally in December we donated over 80 presents to the Salvation Army, to spread some joy across homes in need that Christmas. 

Hikes to raise money for

In the end of 2019 a part of the Redsquid team conquered the 10 Peak Challenge, trekking 46 kilometres in 12 hours across the Peak District National Park.
By the end of the year we raised a total of £3600 – and after the match by Redsquid we proudly handed £7200 over to the organisation for 2020. 


Redsquid. Sohin Returns from Antarctica After Raising over £4,700

After two weeks spent hiking, climbing and camping out in freezing temperatures, Sohin Raithatha, CEO of Redsquid, has successfully raised over £4,700 for One YMCA.

Read the full post on our blog here.


Works closely with YMCA

At Redsquid we work closely with YMCA and help show young people how they can fulfil their potential, regardless of their background.
In close collaboration we have held workshops with the young adults in our offices, introduced them to possibilities within our industry and helped them grow.

Read more about our YMCA work here, or on our blog.


We raise money for a variety of charities every year. If you want to see more of what we do you can our blog here, or follow us on social media where we post about our charities and everything else that goes on with in the Redsquid offices. 

Equality and Diversity


At Redsquid one of our greatest strength is that we are not all the same. We believe that a diverse team make us stronger as an organisation. We draw on the differences we see in each and everyone of us- our different backgrounds which shape us as humans and the way we think. 

Gender 2020

Women 56%

Gender 2021

Women 40%

We constantly work on improving ourselves and make progress. We are proud to have a high percentage of gender diversity at Redsquid, and believe it to be one of the factors that makes us able to make a difference. Our team based on gender equality and many different nationalities gives a great dynamic- and we continue to support their growth so we and our customers can benefit from a great representative.



We take our environmental impact on the world very seriously and constantly improve our practices to improve them where we can. 

We are moving towards a paperless business and have invested in a customer portal, where all our customers can find their billings etc. This cut down on our use of paper, and our carbon emissions at the same time. 

in 2021 we partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain and are proud to say that we are now certified Carbon Neutral Business.


Follow us on social media for all the latest updates on our charity work