
Accolades & Accreditations

We are proud to have been recognised and received accolades & accreditation’s for our achievements – for which we have been awarded your MSP of the year for 3 years in a row! 
Our purpose is to make a difference, and every day we strive to do better.
Therefore we are proud to have been recognised both locally and nationally for our achievements, and continues doing our best to be:

Making a Difference


Our Accolades

MSP of the Year
2021, 2022 & 2023!

Making a difference to our customers and our community no matter how big or small is what is at the heart of our business. Everyday we try to achieve our purpose of making a difference; and we are proud to have been recognised both locally and nationally for our achievements.
At Redsquid we continue to do our best to be making a difference through technology solutions. To be sure that we are making a difference to our customers and charity work for our community. 

For that we are proud to have been awarded the UK’s MSP of the year for 3 years running ! 


Our Accreditations

At Redsquid we are proud to have so many accreditations from our trusted partners. It means we are capable or delivering that high quality service which our customers deserve. 

We constantly better our services and our team to make sure that the best and newest technology is available for our customers. After all technology is as versatile industry- and so are we!
It takes technical skills and high performance to service small and medium enterprise customers. Skills which you as a customer can be sure to get when you sign a contract with us at Redsquid.

cyber essentials logo

Why accolades and accreditations matter to us

Our charity work is extremely important to us as organization. It means that we as a business can give back to the community and we do it to make a difference to the ones around us. Therefore we have set up a charity board of four Redsquid members; and every year they make a plan for us and find a focus for the year. As a result out charity work has become a big and important part of our organization and the work that we do. 

Follow our blog for more about our accolades & accreditations?

On our blog you can read more about the charity work we have done through the years. Charity work is important to us as a business and every year the Redsquid team takes on new tasks. We strive to raise money and make a difference to the community and the charities we support.  
Read our blog to stay up to date with all that goes on within the Redsquid offices. 

Want to read more about what we do for the community?

Have a look at our CSR strategy