
We are now a fully CO2 neutral business

This year we have fulfilled our biggest commitment to the environment yet, and are proud to say, that Redsquid is now a certified Carbon Neutral Business.


In the UK, businesses account for over 85% of total GHG emissions – making corporate action the number one priority in helping stop climate change.

As a business we wanted to do our part for the environment, and have therefore partnered up with Carbon Neutral Britain, with the ambition to measure and offset our total organisations emissions – to become a Carbon Neutral Business.

Years of being a fully CO2 neutral business!

We have off-set our emissions of 2022

We have collaborated with ‘Carbon Neutral Britain‘, to calculate and develop a report on how many carbon emissions Redsquid have had in 2021. 

As a service-based business, it was identified that the largest emissions were to come from energy consumption in the office/working from home, as well as staff travel and commuting.

For the year 2022, we had 80.67 Tonnes of CO2 emissions- Which we have fully offset through the Carbon Neutral Britain Woodland Fund™.

Redsquid Carbon Offset Certificate

Offsetting Programmes

Through the Carbon Neutral Britain Woodland Fund™, we have offset our total carbon emissions through internationally certified carbon offsetting projects. Certified via the Verra – Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Gold Standard – Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) or the United Nations – Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programmes, the projects have also been selected based on their direct and indirect impact around the world – not just in offsetting, but also in supporting education, employment and clean water, as well as having net positive impact on the local wildlife and ecology. As the three largest, and most regulated voluntary offsetting standards used by organisations and even countries in their emissions reductions – all measurements and tonnes of CO²e offset are accurate, and verified.


Read our Carbon Emissions Report of 2022

“In April 2022, Redsquid Limited offset the total carbon footprint from the period identified within this report to become certified as a Carbon Neutral Business by Carbon Neutral Britain. As certification awarded by an external organisation, it provides assurance that the carbon neutral claim is robust and credible, following calculation using the ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Emissions Standard principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy. Carbon Neutral Status has been awarded to the organisation for a period of 12 months. It is recommended the organisation completes an annual calculation of its environmental impact and emissions in 2023, to further monitor and evaluate changes after the impact of Covid-19, in addition to offsetting and maintaining carbon neutral status.”

Redsquid Carbon Emissions Report

Download & Read The Full 2022 Report

"We are delighted to partner with Redsquid Limited to help identify and offset their environmental impact from 2020 and beyond."
James Poynter
Director - Carbon Neutral Britain

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