
How Can I Manage My Mobile Workforce?

Managing and supporting a team of mobile employees can be a serious challenge for any business. Here we will explain how your business can use smart solutions to both empower and manage your employees, regardless of where they work.

Have your Employees Use the Cloud for More Reliable and Accessible Storage

There are numerous issues that come with using hardware to access and store files, as the data can be easily lost, stolen, corrupted or wiped. Relying too much on storing files locally is a dangerous habit and can lead to some serious consequences.

Whereas if your workforce utilises cloud storage, they can have access to their files from any location, without the limitations that come with local storage. Imagine your sales representatives being able to provide prospective clients with a presentation straight from their mobile devices, without the need for any preparation. When there’s no need for local storage, the threat of losing or forgetting important files vanishes.

Provide Effective Ways for Your Mobile Employees to Communicate

Restricting your employees to using time-intensive methods of communication such as calls and emails, can slow your mobile workforce down considerably.

With a service like Skype for Business, your offsite employees can immediately connect with each other through messages, share links, images and even files, through their mobiles. Not only that, but they’ll also be able to instantly hold conference calls over their mobile data or wi-fi connection as well.

With Skype for Business, your entire team of mobile employees could attend their meetings from anywhere, with the unique presence feature enabling them to check who’s currently available to call, thereby making co-ordinating schedules much easier.


Manage a Professional Mobile Business with VoIP

Without access to a landline network, your employees may be limited to taking calls straight through to their business mobile numbers, which can inadvertently make your company seem unprofessional.

A VoIP system would give your mobile employees all the benefits of a landline network, without the need for fixed premises. This means that clients are greeted with a visible landline number, virtual secretary, hold music, and automatic diverts, even when they’re calling an employee’s mobile. VoIP also enables employees to be part of a mobile hunt group, ensuring that your customers’ calls will always be answered.

Ensure the Security and Efficiency of Your Mobile Employees with a MDM Solution

Empowering your mobile employees comes with its own series of risks. Giving your employees access to your company data and network could put your business in a vulnerable position, leaving it open to the threat of malicious software and misuse. However, with a Mobile Device Management system, you can ensure that your business is protected, and your employees are managed.

MDM enables your business to control how much access your employees have to company data, thereby decreasing the likelihood of malicious software infecting your essential documents. If any of your employees’ mobiles are lost or stolen, then you’ll be able to remotely lock and even wipe those devices, thus preventing outside forces from gaining access to any sensitive company information.

Furthermore, with MDM, your business can easily monitor and restrict employee mobile activity. This means that any expensive numbers can be blocked and data caps and alerts can be put in place, thereby preventing your employees from racking up huge bills.

These are just some of the ways that you can empower and manage your mobile employees, creating a more capable and reliable workforce for your business to benefit from. For more advice on managing and supporting mobile employees, feel free to read about our mobile workforce management solutions or contact us on 0208 166 4540 now.

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