
Why MDM Is Important

Why MDM (Mobile Device Management) is important is a question asked by many business owners at the moment. With daily cyber security attacks, the fear of a data breach is real. To get peace of mind, company data must be protected and the more devices we have to access company data on – the more difficult that becomes.


The Importance Of MDM

The last years have completely changed the way we live and work. With the world going in a mobile and cloud based direction, we carry data with us wherever we go.
Does your team have access to company data via their mobiles?

Most likely the answer to that is yes! 

As we carry our mobiles with us to the shop, to the gym or even the pub – we carry company data with us. Therefore these devices must be protected, and MDM is the best, most cost-effective and only way to protect your organisations data. But why is it so important and how does it really work?
Read along to find out everything you need to know about MDM. 

User Experience

Do you have a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy in your organisation? Many do, and with the increase in flexible working, the amount of users using their own devices will only increase further. Whether you allow for BYOD or not, mobile devices bring a security risk. To overcome this, MDM must be implemented on all devices that have access to your company’s data.

But MDM technology can be seen as intrusive for the end user. Some users fear their privacy will be lost and that they will loose control of certain features and functions on their devices. To secure trust and a good user experience, policies around MDM technology should eliminate this concern. To do this, our MDM technology clearly separate apps created for personal and work use. The less personal data an MDM solution collects the better. As a result of this, employees can trust the technology and feel comfortable using their devices, knowing their personal data are not collected. Meanwhile, you can make sure the organisations data is not at risk of a breach.

Inventory Management

Devices can be hard to keep track of, and the more devices you have in your organisation, the more difficult it becomes. By implementing MDM technology, you will have a full inventory of all your devices. Through a unified portal you have full visibility and will be able to know who has which device at all times. Management of all inventory is a requirement for fx the ‘Cyber Essentials Certification‘, and something that every organisation is expected to know. 

Unified Endpoint Visibility

Unified Endpoint Visibility helps you understand your device inventory and activity. MDM provides you with full visibility of the health of all devices, so you know if they are fully patched. It will also inform you of the level of access the individual user has. Most importantly, you’ll be able to wipe a device remotely, in case it should be stolen, lost or data access needs to be removed. 

Audits & Reports

With just a few clicks, MDM allows you to create reports and security logs. These can be created and accessed whenever you need them. Meet compliance requirements for device tracking, and log security events at all times of the day. It is a truly valuable asset for audits and incident response recovery. Who would say no to that?

Policy Enforcement & Compliance

Any organisation that allows BYOD must be able to enforce security policies on their devices. This reduces the risk of data breaches and prevents vulnerable or unsecured devices from accessing sensitive data. You should consider a solution that empowers you to enforce security policies, rather than prescribing them on paper to ensure adherence. Finally, ensure consistent policies across applications are set, and importantly communicated to all teams. 

User Onboarding

Make user onboarding an easy process. If a mobile device is ever lost or stolen, it can be a time consuming and overwhelming process to reinstall the device to its previous status. With the aim to save time and become more efficient,  MDM can re-obtain and set up a new device to replicate the old. Doing so, your users can trust an easy onboarding process where the technology re-creates everything they need, for them. An easy process that sets your users up for success! 

Device Security Management

Of all the benefits, most importantly, MDM provides you with full visibility of the security of all devices that have access to your organisations data. The benefits of this security solution is endless,  from inventory management to having the ability to remotely wipe a device. Whether you are going for the Cyber Essentials Certification, wants to avoid a GDPR breach or simply want to have peace of mind knowing both your data and employees are secure – MDM is the technology you need on all your mobile devices. 

For all information about MDM – find our Mobile Device Management technology here.

Let's Talk More About Why Mobile Device Management Is Important!

If you haven’t implemented it yet, now is the time to get MDM technology into your organisation. Protect you users and most importantly, avoid a security breach. Do you want to hear more about MDM? Fill out the form below and one of our MDM experts will be in touch to talk you through how MDM can make a difference to your organisation.