
Marketing Marcus: My five-year journey at Redsquid

Usually when a milestone anniversary pops up in the office, I ask our content creator to schedule an interview with the person involved, we ask them about their time at Redsquid, talk about some of their highlights of working here, then snap some pictures with them – happy days! Now my five-year anniversary has rolled around, it’s my turn. Rather than go through the usual process, I thought I’d shake things up a little and tell you about my time at Redsquid myself.

So, it was about five years ago, the World Cup in Brazil was just getting underway and I was going through the usual process one does when looking for a new job – sending out CVs, scheduling interviews, personalising cover letters etc. I’d just left my last job due to a lack of career progression and had been doing some freelance work to keep myself busy, when I got an email from Redsquid inviting me to come in for a chat.

I was intrigued, this was a company just down the road from where I lived with a service offering I didn’t quite understand yet, other than the fact they were clearly a Vodafone partner as well as a provider for other business services. I accepted to come in for a chat and started doing my homework.

On the day of my interview I foolishly decided to dress way too casually (think jeans and a t-shirt!) Back then the dress code was a bit stricter, as it was in most offices, and having worked freelance for a while, I’d become accustomed to just turning up in what I felt wearing that day. Luckily for me I must have caught Vince (CFO of Redsquid) on good day. After a great interview, Vince shook my hand, said he’d love for me to come back for a follow-up interview and half-jokingly suggested to maybe wear a shirt next time. I was off to a great start.

During my second interview (now with shirt and tie), I was introduced to two of the team members George and Jack (both would later become great friends of mine, we still have a quarterly poker night, have gone on holidays together, and I’ve had the pleasure of attending both of their weddings). I was then invited back a third time for a trial day and promptly hired, and that’s where my journey at Redsquid began.

As I mentioned earlier, the World Cup was in full swing, and to my surprise, Redsquid had all the games up on TVs throughout the office, there was a relaxed yet professional atmosphere. This was a breath of fresh air to me, having worked in stuffy silent offices in the past, this was something different, it was energetic and fun. I was introduced to the people I’ve worked alongside over the last five years – a mixture happy, young, energetic people as well as older (equally energetic) people with heaps of expertise, happy to impart their knowledge on an up and coming generation. It was a great fit from the start.

Working alongside the owners, I have helped give Redsquid an identity, a voice and a purpose. Over the years, the Marketing Department has grown more influential throughout the company as we’ve expanded and brought in copywriters, consultants, and other external parties to meet our company objectives.

Over the years I’ve seen lots of changes happen at Redsquid. I’ve seen the headcount expand, I’ve watched my colleagues develop, be promoted and put into leadership positions. I’ve seen us acquire other companies and bring their employees in to the team. I’ve watched the company knock down walls to the office next door for expansion and a complete renovation of the office (including a pool table and beer fridge!). I’ve seen us expand our product and service offering, staying ahead of the curve and being able to deliver so much more than when the company first started.

Redsquid is more to me than just a place I go to work. I spend a lot of time here and a lot of time with the people I work with. We’ve overcome obstacles together – figuratively and literally (I have two Tough Mudder headbands to prove it), we’ve had good times, we’ve shared sad times, but most of all we’ve had fun together.

Now it’s time for the next stage of my career. Redsquid have funded my studies to add to my marketing qualifications. They give me time off to study when I need it and support me where they can. It’s been a great journey so far, one of personal growth, one of learning, and most importantly one of fun. I’m excited to see what the future has in store for Redsquid and the role I’ll play in it.

Maybe I’ll be back here writing about my ten-year anniversary five years from now…

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